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Submission Guidelines

For DEL 2023, we are considering submissions for the formats of Papers, Case Studies, and Panels. We encourage submissions that prompt conversation, participation and collaboration among participants.

Additionally, we invite proposals for Design Your Own Sessions. This is an opportunity to open new frameworks and session formats for engaging the DEL community in discussions and collaborations about important issues.

Please be reminded that DEL 2023 will be operated entirely online, thus all contributions need to be deliverable in digital formats.

Submissions opened on 17 January, 2023 and closed on 31 March, 2023.

Paper Presentation

Length: 30 minutes (typically 10 minutes for the presenter‘s main points; 20 minutes audience engagement)

At DEL, we understand the term ‘paper’ to incorporate broad contexts and impacts for creative practice, teaching practice, and research. A paper presentation typically includes research methodologies, theoretical framing, objectives, outcomes, implications, and/or impacts.

Case Study

Length: 30 minutes (typically 10 minutes for the presenter’s main points; 20 minutes audience engagement)

We understand case study sessions to include creative practice, teaching practice, student work and perspectives, and research regarding a particular context, group, or experience. Examples of what you may want to present include a teaching case study, policy initiatives and frameworks, or the documentation of a creative practice project.

Panel Discussion

Length: 60 minutes (typically minimum of 20 minutes of presentation/conversation followed by a Q&A with attendees)

Panels should have a minimum of 3 presenters who dialogically introduce a group project or engage a particular topic. A DEL Panel should assemble a range of researchers/educators to create a discussion or possibly debate a range of topics focused on a central theme. Panelists may choose to give short talks or presentations to open the discussion, but we expect a panel’s timetable to have at least 20 minutes of conversation across panelists followed by Q&A. Note that all panelists should be confirmed before submission of the proposal.

DYO (Design Your Own) Session

Length: We recommend 30 minutes. The time may be allocated as your design requires, but at least 10 minutes should be dedicated to discussion. You may also propose a different duration (for example 60 mins or two parts over two days) which you should explain in your submission.

DYO sessions are your opportunity to open new frameworks and session formats that relate to the conference theme. DYO sessions should stretch our imaginations and explore new formats for scholarly exchange about the issues the DEL community cares about while opening avenues for dialogue. These sessions are highly flexible, possibly more disruptive or spontaneous, but will still be held to the same anonymous, peer review standards of all DEL session proposals.

There are no specific requirements for DYO sessions except session proposals should provide planned opportunities for discussion.

You may:

  • start a conversation about a concurrent or emerging idea, concept, or theme in an unconference-like session. 
  • Play charades to explore the limits of embodiment in online video conferencing. 
  • Perform spoken word poetry to represent an action research project about an augmented reality teaching environment. 
  • Involve participants in a simulation to demonstrate how a new pedagogy was deployed in a learning space.  

Publication Opportunity

DEL presenters have the opportunity to submit a paper based on their DEL contribution to the open access, peer reviewed Spark: UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal, typically only available for UAL staff and students. Spark is an online journal for university teachers, researchers and students with a focus on exploring all aspects of teaching and learning in arts, design and communication.

Please note that Spark will conduct its own peer-review and there is no guarantee for your submission to be accepted, even if accepted for DEL 2023.