Creative process in art-design within the research project AMAZON: Graphic Visuality, Poetic and Imaginary


We will present our project developed inside the Post-Graduate Program in Design at University of Brasilia, Brazil, and with 10 undergraduate students from different areas. This research project proposes a collective participation with the objective of producing knowledge, between teachers and students, using different technological devices. More than a research, this project has ‐ the experience - as a proposal that favors the process of learning and poetic creation. Mainly, our foccus is the communicative-poetic dimensions of the relation man-nature, from the Amazonian experience.


We will need a first talk about the project it self in more or less 30 minutes. Showing process, the Amazon Expedition, student involvent. After that, we will be pushing up discussion on the subject we are going to present (15 minutes).


  • Understanding the cultural / imaginary identity of the Amazon populations
  • A process of creation in art / design in the contemporary context
  • Strengthen innovation actions in art and technology projects


Abstract The experience proposed by the Research Project “Amazon: Graphic Visuality, Poetic and Imaginary” has favored the process of learning and the poetic creation of Masters students in Design and un-dergraduate students from different areas of the University of Brasília - UnB. The creative process have been involving students and teachers in a permanent dialogue with the work of the Brazilian anthropologist and founder of the University of Brasilia’s Darcy Ribeiro, with NEAZ (Nucleus of Amazonian Studies of UnB) and with the reality perceived in the experience in the Amazon, in study trips to Alter do Chão, municipality of Santarém, Bragança, municipality of Belterra and in the communities of Coroca, Arapiuns, Pará, Brazil.

The project is an exploratory research based on creative processes in design, an approach in which the ethnographic and iconographic study of the traditional population of the Amazon are the main focus. Collaboration takes place on several levels, both conceptually and at the level of action planning, and on the ground of artistic practices themselves. The researche group moved to Alter do Chão and captured on-site images and prints using analogical and technological divices. From the re-cords were born the works, product of dialogues and individual and collective insights adding to the Amazon Project knowledge and rich poetic production.

The forest is a magical place, where many meetings take place, and the Amazon, a place of un-imaginable potentialities. Contact with the indigenous Munduruku community and the Tapajós River is the basis for exploratory research developed by this group whose main objective is the study and analysis of visual representations, elements that build the cultural and material identity of a people, considering their graphic imaginary and also their way of life.

The village of Alter do Chão - Pará, Brazil is the locus of this investigation. With the study on Amazonian visuality, this anthropological / poetic / visual research seeks to contribute to the deepening of studies on the Brazilian visual culture. The theoretical construction seeks to lead a process of creation in which the knowledge related to visual representations, their origin, their fundamental characteristics, meaning and message, are transformed into graphic / poetic / visual works through their imagery and textual records. The focus on the artistic production inspired by the drift and immersion in a “parallel world” like the Amazon, has a lot of power, and opens the doors of the enchantment, the sacred, the coexistence with the natural. The project brings several important challenges which transform a very intense immersive experience into the reality of the forest, a multi-layered, multi-layered knowledge product and the use of new 3D printing technologies coupled with experiments with alternative materials always seeking the metaphors that can translate what results from impressions and immersions made mainly in the Tapajós National Forest - FLONA, in the municipality of Belterra, Pará.

Keywords: Amazon, art-design, experience, ethnography, iconography